in esposizione presso i rivenditori autorizzati
- camilla
- rovere juta e nebbia spatolato
- rivenditore X

Nala expresses its vitality in a blend of design and functionality, materials and thicknesses combined according to authentic, prestigious designs.
Mobilturi releases all its composition pride and indomitable energy in the design of the Nala kitchen.
The Nala kitchen is definitely not without strength, with its robust door veneered in oak wood on both sides.
Nala adapts to your style thanks to its wealth of details.
The effect of the split oak used for the fronts gives it a worn look.
Nala reveals the charm of nature.
Gruppo Turi srl
70026 Modugno (BA) Italy
Via Vigili del Fuoco caduti in Servizio, 6
p. iva 03692800729
Tel. +39 080 5897111