in esposizione presso i rivenditori autorizzati
- camilla
- rovere juta e nebbia spatolato
- rivenditore X

With Star, MOBILTURI mixes together all the ingredients for a successful kitchen: innovative textures, glamorous colours, functional layouts with impeccable design.
It lights up with elegance thanks to the warm terracotta shade of the door on the tall oven unit and on the wall unit.
The composition is embellished by glass elements, such as the display units with lava frame and the large leg supporting the peninsula.
Star reveals, upon opening, the practicality of the handle incorporated into the door.
Star is filled with understated colours in the grigio tavolato fronts and the black cardoso laminate top.
Gruppo Turi srl
70026 Modugno (BA) Italy
Via Vigili del Fuoco caduti in Servizio, 6
p. iva 03692800729
Tel. +39 080 5897111